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Fitness Center

How do you pick your fitness?

Part of living or committing to a healthier lifestyle is picking your fitness. People tend to pick their fitness based on what motivates them to stay consistent. Whether it’s barre, spin, weightlifting or any other form of physical exercise that they enjoy, and gets them to stick with it to reach their goals, that’s what they pick. Picking your fitness will help you stay consistent and committed, which will in turn lead to living a healthier lifestyle.

What sets your fitness facility apart from your neighbors? Anyone can come in for a complimentary session to try it out, while you hope they like it and sign up. But why should they love it so much that they sign up and want to become a regular? It’s all about the environment you create and the customer service you give at your facility that will set you apart from your neighbor.

New York is busy. The hustle and bustle of this city is what drives it and its people. We usually are all running around with our headphones on or our cell phones, not really paying attention to what’s going on around us as we perform our day-to-day transactions. In New York, you can literally do all of your errands without ever having a conversation with someone. It’s insane. All it takes is that one person to say, “How’s your day going?” or “Have a good day” to refocus and make you stop and think, “Wow. That was nice.” That feeling is what humans like. That someone took 5 seconds out of their day to ask about yours or wish it well.

Let’s start with the basics.

The First Impression

Chances are, if it’s the first time someone is walking into your facility, they are a little nervous not knowing what to expect. Maybe they haven’t worked out in a while? Maybe they are shy? For whatever reason, you never know what someone is going through, feeling or thinking. Have your facility be clean. Have it organized. So, all the client has to do is simply walk in.

The Welcome

People want to feel welcomed and valued. Do yourself and your business a favor and hire nice people that want to smile and make someone’s day. A simple “Hey! Welcome to…” goes a long way. If you know which clients coming through your door are new, look for them. Have them ask for the point person by name. That way it eliminates the awkwardness of being new and makes that client feel comfortable from before they even walk through those doors.

The Facility and Environment.

Let your facility speak (and sell) for itself. Develop a rapport with all members, trainers and staff. Make the environment at your facility so positive and friendly, kind of like a family, that it motivates the people that are a part of it. New clients will see and feel that vibe and it’ll make them want to be a part of that community. You could have the oldest equipment with the paint peeling but people will forget that once they remember how they felt.

The Departure

Train your staff to talk to clients. Make it a point to ask them how their workout was or what they thought of it. Did they enjoy it or did they not? Tell them you’d love to have them be a part of your community and can’t wait to start working with them. Everyone has a why. Don’t push people to tell you why they decided to have a day one. Everyone has a day one. Once you develop that rapport, they will tell you their why. That will only further motivate you both. Reaching your own goals is amazing, but the feeling you get from helping a stranger reach theirs, is even more fulfilling.

Listen, after the year we just had, we all want to be successful. The one thing we learned from this pandemic is that health is everything. Making fitness essential needs to be in everyone’s life. A negative review about how the people in your gym were rude, that no one paid attention to them or lack of customer service, are the most preventable reviews. Customer service can make or break you. You decide how you want your facility to be known as.

A. Giannakas

How to Combat Negative Press

It’s been a day.
A week, a month, half a year, you get the idea…
A lot of emotions came out of Friday and we’ve felt them all along with you. It felt GOOD to finally force the hand of the Governor in telling the truth about gyms. Let ‘s pause here for a second… me, you, WE forced the most powerful Governor in the United States of America to change his fear mongering narrative and admit gyms are safe. All I can say about that is you guys are f$king amazing and thank you. Yes the f$king was necessary, sorry.

Then came the “day late $ short” feeling…
There is no doubt there has been irreparable harm done by his words and his actions. We must combat this by spreading the statements and facts about gyms made today, everywhere; post on your social media and not just today or tomorrow but non stop. Ask your friends to support your small business be reposting. Go on news comment threads and post it. Get eyes on that .06% like it’s your job.

Then came flat out anger….
Anger that the data is from a time that we were shouting from the rooftops that we were safe and no one would listen. Anger that gyms are still in the orange zone and that NYC group classes are still closed. Anger that he actually claimed responsibility for “reducing our spread” Anger that .06% is not an acceptable reason that our livelihoods have been decimated or altogether lost.
I see you and I understand and I feel that same anger so remember that as I now tell you, let it go. Not because it’s not important but because we have more work to do. We have opinions to change in time to save what’s left. We have lawsuits to open our NYC family. We have libel claims to win so the entire Country can see what a conniving, lying, manipulative, POS our Governor is.

Today was a win and tomorrow is a new day. Not because we got everything we need or want, we didn’t. Today is a win because just like he would’ve NEVER opened us without our work I can say with complete confidence he would’ve never produced that all important .06% without our continued pressure.

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2020 a true test of democracy

This past year has been a test for all Americans like no other in our lifetime. While we’ve been through and seen many struggles, we’ve also learned a few things.

We have come to understand the importance of family, friends, and realized we need each other. We have been shown that without love and community we become a society of compassionless people who succumb to our base instincts. Our social media is rife with people expressing anger, outrage, anxiety, and a lack of compassion. Too many have lost the ability to speak to one another with respect.

For me, the biggest takeaway is that we need physical and emotional connections with one another to survive. By survival, I mean a meaningful life filled with joy, success, love, and the exercising of free will. I have also come to understand how quickly it could all be taken away from me and how little control I have.

I am reminded daily how lucky I am to have three healthy beautiful daughters, a son-in-law I would be proud to call my own, and one amazing grandson. My wife is my blessing, she is the true north in my life, and the one who keeps me grounded and focused…well at least she tries lol.

She is the reason why the USFC has gathered support from both sides of the aisle. She is the reason why my words have heart and soul. This is because she is my reminder of why we started this and what we are advocating for. We will never forget the people we lost this year and how many we can help fight this disease.

Equally, we have to remember the people now struggling to provide for their families. People are trying to keep businesses afloat that they have put their blood, sweat, and tears into. Scared to lose their homes, deplete their savings, pensions, and children’s college funds.

These are difficult times to navigate and sometimes we need to be reminded of the reasons behind our actions, for me, it’s my wife. So as you continue to read this blog please understand that I will never quit and I will give you everything I have. I will also care about everyone who thinks differently and who has suffered real loss during this pandemic.

I will also ask as you read this to remember who you are…an American.

The Governors of the United States were granted executive powers to manage unprecedented times in our history. While the situation with covid still exists, the need for emergency orders has passed. Yet, instead of relinquishing those executive powers, many have chosen to use them as political weapons, inflicting unnecessary harm to those they took an oath to keep safe.

They have destroyed entire industries with fear and false narratives. What they should have been focusing on was uplifting the country and encouraging people to stay fit and get healthy.

We are not a nation that is controlled by fear. The governors need to lead with a calm voice of reason. One that uplifts us to be better and do better.

What these enforced lockdowns have done is prohibited people from moving forward with any hope. People have lost their businesses and homes. Many are suffering from depression and anxiety, with suicides on a steep incline. Alcoholism is up with domestic abuse is at an all-time high. We are in the most significant period of civil unrest since the 1950s and people are fleeing these poorly governed states at an alarming rate.

In New York, our Governor still inflicts fear and enforces lockdowns with an infection rate that has hovered around 1% for over four months now. How can this be allowed to be left unchecked?

The government officials have let us all down. We must act now, or we will forever ruin what it means to be free and to be an American.

Charlie Cassara

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